Body Builder

Here's a Healthy Muscle-Gainer Diet Plan!

Remember, gaining muscle requires consistent effort in both diet and exercise. Combine this diet plan with a well-designed strength training programme and adequate rest for optimal results. Be patient, as muscle gain takes time, and avoid any drastic dietary changes without proper guidance.
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Here's a healthy diet plan for a young man or woman who wants to gain muscle. Keep in mind that individual dietary needs may vary, so it's always a good idea to consult with a nutritionist or a healthcare professional with the right training and experience to personalise the plan further.

The foods recommended as follows are guidelines only. I recommend you eat "ethnically" using traditional foods and recipes with the food coming from fresh, preferably organic sources that you then prepare from scratch to produce nutritious and delicious meals!

Meal 1: Breakfast

  • 2–3 whole free range eggs scrambled with vegetables (spinach, peppers, onions)
  • Whole-grain toast or oatmeal
  • Greek yoghurt with berries and a sprinkle of nuts

Meal 2: Mid-Morning Snack

  • A handful of mixed nuts (soaked overnight in brine dried then gently roasted to release their nutrients — prepare monthly batches).
  • A piece of fruit (e.g., apple, banana)

Meal 3: Lunch

  • Grilled chicken breast or tofu/tempeh (if vegetarian)
  • Quinoa or brown rice
  • Steamed organic vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, carrots)

Meal 4: Pre-Workout Snack

  • Protein shake or:
  • Whole-grain bread with natural peanut butter or almond butter (your home prepared nuts can be turned into a delicious nut paste by adding a little coconut and/or olive oil and blending the nuts to a paste)
  • Banana or a small apple

Meal 5: Post-Workout Shake

  • Protein shake with whey or vegetable protein (refer to recipe guidelines at the bottom of this article)
  • A protein shake can be a pre-workout meal as well, so long as you take it 1–2 hours beforehand so it is digested by the time of exercise.

Meal 6: Dinner

  • Baked or grilled fish or steak (grass fed, free range)
  • Sweet potato or whole-grain pasta
  • Mixed green salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing

Meal 7: Evening Snack

  • Cottage cheese or Greek yoghurt
  • A handful of mixed berries

Additional Tips:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during and after workouts. If you have to pee every 2–4 hours then you're hydrated.
  2. Frequent Meals: Aim for 5–6 smaller meals/snacks throughout the day to support muscle growth and provide a steady supply of nutrients.
  3. Protein Intake: Make sure you're getting enough protein (around 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight) to support muscle recovery and growth.
  4. Carbohydrates: Choose complex organic carbohydrates like whole grains, sweet potatoes, and quinoa for sustained energy.
  5. Healthy Fats: Incorporate varying sources of fats such as in whole milk, butter, free range organic meat, avocados, nuts, and olive oil to support overall health.

Here's your Super Smoothie Recipe!

Purchase a kilogram of either Radix Nutrition Ultimate Recovery Smoothie or Nutratech Whey. Radix, in either whey or vegetable protein, are our ultimate delicious pre and post-workout recovery drink. Tested amongst world-class athletes.

Made from the best ingredients including New Zealand whey protein: The King of Proteins! Whey is best, but you have the option of vegetable protein.

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Best either blended with ice or cold water, for a quick shake, or much better as follows:

  • One fresh, raw egg
  • Full cream milk (Silvertop, and preferably organic A-2) and/or coconut cream
  • Yoghurt
  • A level teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • If you are taking powder supplements, add them to the smoothie
  • A dash of flax, olive, coconut oil or any combination you like of fresh healthy oils
  • Banana and anything else that grabs your taste buds!
  • Blend and enjoy!

But, hey, these are mere suggestions: be creative and make your own unique delicious and nutritious super smoothie!

Remember, gaining muscle requires consistent effort in both diet and exercise. Combine this diet plan with a well-designed strength training programme and adequate rest for optimal results. Be patient, as muscle gain takes time, and avoid any drastic dietary changes without proper guidance.

Always listen to your body and adjust the plan as needed based on your progress and individual needs.

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